Razgandeli de 2007

Am gasit un site care pune o intrebare foarte interesanta si pe care recunosc ca nu mi-am pus-o niciodata.
What have you changed your mind about in 2007? Why?
Peste 160 de oameni cu cap (cercetatori, profesori, analisti, etc) au incercat sa raspunda.
Paleta razgandelilor este extrem de extinsa, pornind de la subiecte precum
Predicting the Future
Can Robots See God?
The Death of the Dinosaurs
Curiosty is addictive and this is not an entirely good thing
Technology is Not So Bad
Asking for Directions
Good Old Stuff Sucks
trecand prin
I Used To Think I Could Change My Mind
si pana la
I have changed my mind about cortical neurons and now think that they are far more capable than we ever imagined.
Truth does notreside with smart university experts

Deocamdata nu imi vine in cap in ce privinta m-am razgandit eu...dar am gasit un cantecel care te incalzeste..

2 comentarii:

Leeloo spunea...

imi place aia cu
I Used To Think I Could Change My Mind :D

Roxana spunea...

suna de parca s-a gandit un an si a ajuns la concluzia ca s-a gandit degeaba